is now part of Data Liftoff

For the last several months, I’ve been maintaining two related web and Twitter properties, Data Liftoff and Data Science Reads. As time has gone on, the purpose of both has converged and as of today all of that content is part of Data Liftoff.
Background on the Two Entities
Data Liftoff is my data science and data engineering consultancy firm, and I blog here about both subjects often.
Data Science Reads (DSR) started as a Twitter account and website to share great data science resources from around the web. Two months ago, I started posting remote friendly data jobs as well. My goal with DSR has been to make data science accessible to everyone regardless of geography, wealth and background. Sharing remote job postings along with free and inexpensive content is one way I feel I can help make that possible.
I realized that I’d like to do for data engineering what I’ve been doing for data science with DSR. The best way to do that is to combine the two entities into my primary “brand” of Data Liftoff.
The bottom line is that if you’ve been following one, or both, accounts and websites you’ll find all of what was there and more here at Data Liftoff. If you have any questions or feedback on the new format, feel free to reach out via email or my personal Twitter account. Thank you for your support!